+38 (096) 122-02-05

Our customers can be incognito
to conduct the investigation, we do not need to know you in person

Search witnesses

Unfortunately , fade from the scene of traffic accidents for some of the perpetrators is the usual norm. In this situation, a lot of help may have witness an accident. But with this, there are sometimes some difficulty because people do not want to solve other people's problems and take some responsibility . And even if you have witnesses to the accident, they can just about then did not appear at the hearing or at other meetings related to the incident.

So if you've experienced a situation where you just really need witnesses an accident or any other crime , we recommend that you contact the detective agency " Private detective Lugansk ."

Another very common problem is that the prosecution witness may be bribed by the other party and begins to testify against you. In this situation, you can also use our services to find out the real picture and to search for witnesses, who were also at the scene and can provide reliable data on the fact of the accident. In this case, we will certainly be able to establish the fact of bribery, if it occurs, and to provide evidence of this court, that would be another plus in your favor.

We already have had to be involved in such processes , so we know what to do and where to look for the right people when the need witnesses . After all, very often witness an accident helps to establish the real culprit of the incident. But even better , when a witness in the case thanks to the full the information helps address the issue still in the pretrial order .

Where to find a video surveillance specialist

In principle, it is not a big problem to find a video surveillance specialist today. But now we are not talking about the standard situations that people face every day, when we need to establish surveillance in the home or office to monitor the work of employees, which they are all aware of.

Professional surveillance of his wife

Trust is one of the most important components in any relationship. But, unfortunately, it is not rare that there are situations when there is a suspicion of loyalty of the second half. Sometimes even one wrong word, movement, look can give rise to doubt.

Where to hire a private detective?

Every year more and more people understand the need for private detectives to solve some vital issues.