Derivation of human sects
Every day in our city Lugansk there are more and more traps in the guise of forums, meetings of like-minded, trainings and seminars. More interest warmed colorful posters, gifts, promises of luring a huge profit for a couple of days and the like. Sect lure new fresh minds, not only under the guise of religious communities, but also in the form of pyramid schemes, or business network.
Financial sects are not so brainwashed people as religious destructive cults , but unlike them pull funds in the form of salaries , grants , personal savings . Ukrainian legislation clearly opposes such sects , but they operate covertly . Their scheme is as follows: first lured the victim to an interesting business training , then give examples of successful members and talk about their unrealistic quick profits in the short term . At the end of the offer to join the organization , of course, making some contribution.
Derivation of human sects financial plan is somewhat easier than working with the victims of totalitarian groups. They do not require renunciation of the family and there is no prohibition to communicate with loved ones. All you need business leaders and rectors trap - it as much as possible to extract funds from the newly made member . Usually recruited housewives , pensioners and students . Basically - it's people who do not have a stable income , in need of money and thirst for the big money fast .
As a man out of the sect business trick or Ponzi scheme ? It is important to remember that at this stage, people can not imagine my life without her new job . In this case, aggression , slander, discussion of business and humiliation of the victim are irrelevant . Should keep a distance , to give time for the expiration of some time. And at this hour should cooperate with the psychologist , carefully consider methods of removal from the sect. In some cases, we need only turn in the direction of the channel constant earnings in good company , if it is a long time student or unemployed people - to offer assistance or to find interesting real job. In the case of pensioners recruited worth delicately indicate your age, and the inability to find a job feasible for young people , it is also possible in some cases, simply desperate need financial assistance .
As a result, the switching of threads fast questionable earnings, by putting their money and people is the conclusion of the sect. In special situations, there are cases of withdrawal and sale of all the property of their census of housing on the organization's leaders . Quick exit from the sect regarded as treason and punishable by imposing financial penalties or failure to return the contributions. These cases deal with law enforcement, they are regarded as deliberate deception rights and punishable by law.
Detective Agency " Private detective Lugansk " not only be able to answer the question of how to help a person get out of the sect , but also keeps track of your actions and the development of financial traps . And in the event of illegal activity , fraud and intentional deception of people - will contact the police .